(a)  The licensee shall be actively and personally engaged in the supervision of the structural pest control activities of any office to which his/her license is assigned.

(b)  If any office or individual employee of a license holder is not within 75 miles of the licensee's residence, by the nearest public road, the licensee shall submit to the Committee, in writing, information to show that he/she is, in fact, controlling, directing, and supervising the structural pest control activities of said office or employee.

(c)  In the event information submitted to the Committee by a license holder is insufficient for the Committee to determine that said holder is, in fact, controlling, directing, and supervising the structural pest control activities of his office or employees, the Committee shall require said holder to appear before it and set forth, in detail, information to show that he/she is, in fact, in charge of the structural pest control activities of his office or employees.

(d)  The information required in Paragraph (b) of this Rule shall be submitted within 10 days of employment of any individual to which Paragraph (b) of this Rule applies and at the time the license or identification card is issued, reissued, or renewed.

(e)  It shall be a violation of the rules of the Committee for any license holder to fail to adequately control, direct, and supervise the structural pest control activities of his/her office or employees.


History Note:        Authority G.S. 106‑65.29;

Eff. July 1, 1976;

Readopted Eff. November 22, 1977;

Amended Eff. July 1, 1998; January 1, 1989; August 1, 1980;

Pursuant to G.S. 150B-21.3A, rule is necessary without substantive public interest Eff. November 22, 2018.